The Library Life Blog

The Library Life Blog
Being a Library student and making it through life.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Books Against The Machine

So, for some of my previous entries, I have been giving odes to how I reached this point in my academic career and the people who influenced that decision. Now it's time to get down to business. Technology!!!!!  I have already briefly commented on the iPad and what are the potential and disadvantages to it's arrival. But, what about the technology that started this whole electronic readers phenomenon? I am, of course, talking about the Kindle.

This hardware/software combo was initially viewed by many as another PDA or Apple Newton built specifically to just read books. However, the kindle has turned into a powder cake  that has brought with it fans and critics alike. Taken various polls from my friends on Facebook who are librarians, library school students, or just avid book lovers, here is a list of pros and cons to the kindle.

Pros: The software can be installed on a mobile phone (iPhone), free books (free is 90% of the time good), You can carry thousands of these books with you on the go. The books that you buy for the kindle application tend to be much cheaper than there paper counterparts. Next, books are more durable than electronic readers. God forbid, you become irate because your dog at an entire bottle of petroleum jelly and starts sliding across the kitchen floor. That did happen to a friend of mine. Anyway, I doubt a kindle would survive a total smack down to the floor. A regular book would take a licking and keep on ticking.

Con: Unlike comics books and graphic novels, kindle books are files that can't be passed down from generation to generation. The cost. Even though you only pay a one time fee for the device, $200 for a device that does not even have a book on it yet is pretty steep. Electricity. a Kindle is a electronic device. Therefore, it requires charging at some point. A real monograph does not. Lastly, technology wears out. Things break. So will a kindle. With proper care a book can last next to a life time.

So what is my view on the Kindle? I think it is a nifty device. but a waste. Just as the PDA gave away to the Smartphone, the Kindle will give away to net books and devices such as the Apple iPad. Most individuals want more bang for their buck. I want to read my books, surf the internet and listen/ watch the multiple gigs of music/movies I own.  Will the traditional book go away? No!!!!!!! In my view, the aforementioned cons are enough to make that statement clear. However, that does not mean I am a furiously against this technology.
I think there is room for both this marvelous device and regular books. However, the romantic in me will not be buying a Kindle anytime soon. I love the smell of good old fashion paper (new or recycled).

1 comment:

  1. I am facebook "liking" this post. Haha. I'm still not convinced that I should purchase a Kindle or any other electronic book device. However, I just recently purchased an iPhone, and I've already downloaded the Kindle app. I'm giving that a try first to even see if I will like reading books digitally before I spend the big bucks.
