The Library Life Blog

The Library Life Blog
Being a Library student and making it through life.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Santana - Supernatural (Legacy Edition)

For nearly 40 years, Santana (the band) has captivated legions of fans. With there Mexican infused rock, Santana lead by guitarist Carlos Santana has taken fans on culutrual and spitiural jounrers since the mid 60's. As with any music group that has last this long, reinvention of the wheel becomes necessary in order to appeal to a new generation.  With Santana, one of those period came in the late nineties. With the support of his Arista Clive Davis, the concept album Supernatural born. A blending of modern pop, rock and R&B mixed with Carlos Santana's fiery Mexican infused guitar rifts made for an album, that reivigorated a band muticulutal awareness and garnered the band 15 x platnum albums and  nine ggammy awards just within the continetal United States. So, how can you make an album that has ganreed such wide spread succeess even better. Technically, you can't. But for an avid or casual listener you can offer a special edition of an album that made 1999 a wondeful year to embrace the such a legendary band.

As with, most Legacy editions of albums, the second disc is the star of the show. Either there is fluff on the second CD. An example of such an album would be the Legacy Edition Joe Satriani's Surfing With The Alien. If you own some of Satriani's more recent live albums, then you are not missing anything.  However, if you buy the deluxe edition of Marvin Gaye's What's Going On? Listeners are treated to a conert on the second disc that is arguable Gaye's banner moment concert wise. But back to the album at hand. Sanatana's legacy edition Supernatural is not on the same level  as Gaye's What's Going On. But, Carlos and his crew aim for that level of spiriality. Gems such as Ya Yo Me Cure focus more on the band itself and not the hybrid collaboration that made the inital release such a success. A shame that these and tracks like the tribute to Bob Marley Exodus/Get Up Stand Up; Exodus\ Get Up Stand Up did not get released earlier. However by itself, the second disc might not have garnered the level of success that the orginral release of supernatural did. In the end, this collection is well worth the buy. The 2nd disc is not a filler CD. It just happens to be further proof that Carlos Santana is Supernatural.

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