So, books are a still a large part of the librarian vocation. The question comes, how convincing can a book be? Can it take you down a road of happiness and wonder or torment? These question ran through my mind as I hiked with friends hoping to find an actually baby cemetery in Shelby County. The hike was not related to this story. lol Anyway, as you can imagine, a lot of my friends read books as their main source of entertainment. I guess if you work in a library at least one of your cohorts has to have cracked open a book for fun. Today’s hike reminded me of a story concerning a friend who I last heard was in Hollywood. Anyway, on one particular evening I was at a coffee shop in Tuscaloosa with a group of friends. One of my friends, Jason, is an intriguing character. He is intelligent. But sometimes.......... lets just say he loves to cut off his computer in order to have fun. lol Anyway, he came by the coffee shop one evening and started on a tirade about The Secret.
The Secret is a book written by Rhonda Byne. It is one of those motivational books that I was once temped to read. Without going into the book's synopsis, Jason went on a verbal rampage about how he knew The Secret. This sounded like the normal Jason. He went on and on about this book and how it taught him to be a millionaire. Can you say infomercial? Is he a millionaire? No. But according to the book, he already was one. This is where it got crazy. He tried to explain The Secret from a religious standpoint. Some of my friends are atheist or they are religious but have issues with organized denominations. So you know how they might have responded. Anyway, Jason started talking about going to Georgia. His intent was to buy a lottery ticket. His words: "I am going to Georgia to buy a lottery ticket. I have already won the big lottery." He then went on to say that he won because of knowing the Secret. At this point, Jason had a glimmer in his eye like Gollum from the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. lol I almost expected him to start saying stuff like. "Yes, the Secret!!!!!! I know it!!! It's my precious." (evil calm voice) Now to jokingly appease him I pulled a quarter out of my pocket. I then said, "I just want 10 million dollars." He said "You already have it."This conversation went on for 5 hours until the coffee shop closed.
The next question is did he win? No. Did I somehow get my 10 million dollars? Let’s see, I am in library school and I still drive to work instead of scandalously dressed women feeding me strawberries and singing Sexy Thing by Hot chocolate to me. I would say no. So, from this previous passage I have formulated a simple question. Is there a Secret? Maybe....... Can authors still write books that invigorate as much as books such as the Koran, The Christian Bible, The Torah, or The Devil’s Bible? That emphatic yes.
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